Don't touch this line
Config, Lang, Noti, WH, Points, Actions, AO = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
Config, Lang, Noti, WH, Points, Actions, AO = {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\
--$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ _____|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |
--$$ / \__|$$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ / \__|$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ |$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ |$$ __| $$ | $$ |\_$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$< $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ |
--$$ | $$\ $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |
--\$$$$$$ | $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ |$$ | $$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ |
--\______/ \______/ \__| \__|\__| \______| \______/ \______/ \__| \__|\__| \__| \__| \______| \______/ \__| \__|
--Use "esx" or "qb"
Config.Framework = "qb"
--If you are using one of the most recent versions of ESX, set the script name. Default = "es_extended"
Config.ESXExport = ""
--Default ESX: "esx:getSharedObject" | Default QB: "qb-core"
Config.Core = "qb-core"
-- oxmysql, mysql-async or ghmattisql
Config.Mysql = "oxmysql"
--Waiting time to update the gang map
Config.updateMapTimer = 10000
--Points needed by the gang to pass each level
Config.PointsToNextLevel = 1500
--Only the leader can deposit or withdraw
Config.OnlyLeaderDW = true
--Font type for floating alerts. Set to 0 for Chinese language
Config.alertTextFont = 4
--Amount to be added hourly to the cash balance of the stores to be extorted
Config.CollectMoneyAmountPerHour = 60
--Multiplier of the amount to be generated each hour by the stores
Config.CollectMoneyMultiplier = 2
--Enable / Disable the use of garages for gangs
Config.useGarages = true
--Enable / Disable the use of stash
Config.useStash = true
--Enable / Disable the use of lockers
Config.useLockers = false
--Maximum number of members allowed in a gang
Config.maxMembers = 8
--Active if you want to use cron to trigger the actions of contract killing, smuggling and transporting illegal persons
Config.useCron = true
--If the previous option is activated. Hours at which actions will start for the gangs
Config.cronHours = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24}
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\
--$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|
--$$ / \__|$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ / \__|$$ |
--$$ |$$$$\ $$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |$$$$\ $$$$$\
--$$ |\_$$ |$$ __$$ |$$ __$$< $$ __$$ |$$ |\_$$ |$$ __|
--$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |
--\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$\
--\______/ \__| \__|\__| \__|\__| \__| \______/ \________|
--Configure the trigger for your garage script
function openGarage(gangname, location)
--Example with bit-garage
--TriggerEvent("bit-garage:open", gangname)
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\
--$$ __$$\\__$$ __|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |
--$$ / \__| $$ | $$ / $$ |$$ / \__|$$ | $$ |
--\$$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$ |
-- \____$$\ $$ | $$ __$$ | \____$$\ $$ __$$ |
--$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ |
--\$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |
-- \______/ \__| \__| \__| \______/ \__| \__|
--Configure your inventory script trigger to create a stash
function openStash(gangname, location)
--TriggerServerEvent("inventory:server:OpenInventory", "stash", gangname)
--TriggerEvent("inventory:client:SetCurrentStash", gangname)
--$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\
--$$ | $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ _____|$$ __$$\
--$$ | $$ / $$ |$$ / \__|$$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$$$$ / $$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ $$< $$ __| $$ __$$<
--$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$\ $$ |\$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |
--$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | \$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |
--\________|\______/ \______/ \__| \__|\________|\__| \__|
--Configure your inventory script trigger to create a locker (optional)
function openLocker(gangname, location)
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\
--$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\
--$$ / $$ |$$ / \__| $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__|
--$$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ |\$$$$$$\
--$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ | \____$$\
--$$ | $$ |$$ | $$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$\ $$ |
--$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$ |
--\__| \__| \______/ \__| \______| \______/ \__| \__| \______/
--Activates or deactivates the actions allowed for the bands.
Actions.Graffiti = true
Actions.CollectMoney = true
Actions.DrugDealing = true
Actions.ContractKilling = true
Actions.ContractKillingCommand = "gangkill"
Actions.Smuggling = true
Actions.SmugglingCommand = "gangsmuggling"
Actions.IllegalPeople = true
Actions.IllegalPeopleCommand = "gangpeople"
--$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\
--$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ \_$$ _|$$$\ $$ |\__$$ __|$$ __$$\
--$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ / \__|
--$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ $$\$$ | $$ | \$$$$$$\
--$$ ____/ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ \$$$$ | $$ | \____$$\
--$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |\$$$ | $$ | $$\ $$ |
--$$ | $$$$$$ |$$$$$$\ $$ | \$$ | $$ | \$$$$$$ |
--\__| \______/ \______|\__| \__| \__| \______/
--You can edit the amount of points to be awarded to the gang for each action.
--The text is used to identify the actions in the discord webhook.
Points.graffiti = 20
Points.graffitiText = "Graffiti creation"
Points.collectMoney = 30
Points.collectMoneyText = "Collect money from store"
Points.drugDealing = 50
Points.drugDealingText = "Drug dealing"
Points.contractKilling = 75
Points.contractKillingText = "Contract of murder fulfilled"
Points.smuggling = 50
Points.smugglingText = "Smuggling of goods"
Points.illegalPeople = 75
Points.illegalPeopleText = "Transportation of illegal people"
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\
--$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\
--$$ / $$ |$$ / \__| $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__| $$ / $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__|
--$$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ |\$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ |\$$$$$$\
--$$ __$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ | \____$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ ____/ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ | \____$$\
--$$ | $$ |$$ | $$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$\ $$ |
--$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$ | $$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$ |
--\__| \__| \______/ \__| \______| \______/ \__| \__| \______/ \______/ \__| \__| \______| \______/ \__| \__| \______/
--Money to be given to the user when selling drugs, by default a value between 50 and 200$. Set to nil if you don't want to receive money
AO.drugDealingAmount = math.random (50, 200)
--Percentage of possibility to notify the police
AO.drugDealingPolice = 100
--Allowed drugs to sell (enter the name of the item)
AO.allowedDrugs = {'weed_white-widow', 'cocaine', 'lsd'}
--Money to be given to the user at the end of the murder contract, by default a value between $50 and $200. Set to nil if you don't want to receive money
AO.contractKillingAmount = math.random (50, 200)
--Activate if you want the police to be notified when the target is killed.
AO.contractKillingPolice = true
--Money to be given to the user at the end of the smuggling, by default a value between $50 and $200. Set to nil if you don't want to receive money
AO.smugglingAmount = math.random (50, 200)
--Prop of the contraband item
AO.smugglingProp = "ex_office_swag_drugbag2"
--Activate if you want the police to be notified when the shipment is picked up.
AO.smugglingPolice = true
--Money to be given to the user at the end of the transport of illegal persons, by default a value between $50 and $200. Set to null if you do not wish to receive money.
AO.illegalPeopleAmount = math.random (50, 200)
--Final point of delivery of illegal persons
AO.illegalPeopleFinalLocation = vector3(555.93, -1797.35, 29.2)
--Activate if you want the police to be alerted when the player reaches the illegal persons
AO.illegalPeoplePolice = true
--$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\
--$$ __$$\ \_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|$$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ / \__|$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ / \__|$$ | $$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ | \$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ | \____$$\ $$ ____/ $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ __$$ |
--$$ | $$ | $$ | $$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$\ $$ | $$ |
--$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |
--\_______/ \______| \______/ \__| \__| \__| \__| \______/ \__| \__|
function alertDispatch(location, action, message)
--Example with cd_dispatch:
--[[local data = exports['cd_dispatch']:GetPlayerInfo()
TriggerServerEvent('cd_dispatch:AddNotification', {
job_table = {'police', },
coords = data.coords,
title = action,
message = message,
flash = 0,
unique_id = data.unique_id,
sound = 1,
blip = {
sprite = 431,
scale = 1.2,
colour = 3,
flashes = false,
text = action,
time = 5,
radius = 0,
--$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\
--$$$\ $$$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ _____|$$ __$$\
--$$$$\ $$$$ |$$ / $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ |
--$$\$$\$$ $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$ / $$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |
--$$ \$$$ $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ __$$< $$ $$< $$ __| $$ __$$<
--$$ |\$ /$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |\$$\ $$ | $$ | $$ |
--$$ | \_/ $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | \$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |
--\__| \__|\__| \__|\__| \__|\__| \__|\________|\__| \__|
Marker = {
mtype = 23,
r = 11,
g = 236,
b = 188
-- $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\
--$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\$$\ $$ |
--$$ / \__|$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |\$$\ $$ /
--\$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$ | \$$$$ /
-- \____$$\ $$ ____/ $$ __$$< $$ __$$ | \$$ /
--$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |
--\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |
-- \______/ \__| \__| \__|\__| \__| \__|
Config.sprayPersist = 2
Config.progressBarDuration = 20000
Config.sprayRemoveDuration = 20000
Config.blacklist = {'nigger', 'nazi', 'moron', 'retard', 'faggot'}
--$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\
--$$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\\__$$ __|\_$$ _|$$ _____|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\\__$$ __|\_$$ _|$$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\
--$$$$\ $$ |$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ / \__|$$ / $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__|
--$$ $$\$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$\ $$ | $$ | $$$$$$$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ $$\$$ |\$$$$$$\
--$$ \$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ __| $$ | $$ | $$ __$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ \$$$$ | \____$$\
--$$ |\$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$\ $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$\ $$ |
--$$ | \$$ | $$$$$$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$ | $$$$$$\ \$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ | $$$$$$\ $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$ |
--\__| \__| \______/ \__| \______|\__| \______| \______/ \__| \__| \__| \______| \______/ \__| \__| \______/
function notifications(notitype, message, time)
--Change this trigger for your notification system keeping the variables
TriggerEvent('codem-notification', message, time, notitype)
--Notifications types: = 'info'
Noti.check = 'check'
Noti.error = 'error'
--Notification time:
Noti.time = 5000
--$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\
--$$ | $$ __$$\ $$$\ $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ _____|
--$$ | $$ / $$ |$$$$\ $$ |$$ / \__|$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ / \__|$$ |
--$$ | $$$$$$$$ |$$ $$\$$ |$$ |$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ |$$$$\ $$$$$\
--$$ | $$ __$$ |$$ \$$$$ |$$ |\_$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ __$$ |$$ |\_$$ |$$ __|
--$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ |\$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |
--$$$$$$$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ | \$$ |\$$$$$$ |\$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |\$$$$$$ |$$$$$$$$\
--\________|\__| \__|\__| \__| \______/ \______/ \__| \__| \______/ \________|
Lang.OpenUI = "gang"
Lang.OpenUIInfo = "Open gang menu"
Lang.OpenAdmin = "admingangs"
Lang.OpenAdminInfo = "Open gangs admin menu"
Lang.LevelInfo = "LEVEL INFO"
Lang.Progress = "Progress"
Lang.ProgressDesc = "Perform acts with your gang to increase your level"
Lang.ProgressNextLevel = "To the next level"
Lang.TotalMembers = "Total members"
Lang.Leader = "Leader"
Lang.Territories = "Territories"
Lang.TerritoriesDesc = "Open the territory map"
Lang.Rating = "Rating"
Lang.Balance = "Family Balance"
Lang.BalanceDesc = "Withdraw or add money to your gang account"
Lang.ActiveEvent = "ACTIVE EVENT"
Lang.Deposit = "DEPOSIT"
Lang.Withdraw = "WITHDRAW"
Lang.CreateGang = "CREATE GANG"
Lang.CreateGangDesc = "Create a new gang indicating all the properties it should have. Add members and ranks."
Lang.ManageGang = "MANAGE GANG"
Lang.ManageGangDesc = "Manage an already created gang, modify its properties. Manage members and ranks."
Lang.ManageStores = "MANAGE STORES"
Lang.ManageStoresDesc = "Creates or eliminates stores where the gangs must collect the money."
Lang.Events = "EVENTS"
Lang.EventsDesc = "Create a new event for the gangs. All gangs will be able to participate."
Lang.GangNameError = "There is already a gang with this name"
Lang.createdGang = "The gang has been created correctly"
Lang.noMember = "You are not a member of any gang"
Lang.updatedGang = "The gang has been successfully updated"
Lang.deletedGang = "The gang has been successfully removed"
Lang.storeDataError = "You must add a store name and location"
Lang.storesUpdated = "Gang stores have been updated"
Lang.noEvent = "No active event"
Lang.updatedEvent = "The current event has been successfully updated"
Lang.gangMoneyError = "Not enough money in the gang's balance sheet"
Lang.userMoneyError = "You don't have enough money to add to the gang balance."
Lang.noPerm = "You must be the leader of the gang to perform this action."
Lang.collectMoney = "Press E to collect money from the store"
Lang.storeError = "The store has not yet received payment. Come back later"
Lang.storePay = "The store has paid for the extortion"
Lang.enterGarage = "Press E to enter the garage"
Lang.membersLimit = "You cannot add more members to the gang"
Lang.openStash = "Press E to open the stash"
Lang.openLocker = "Press E to open the locker"
Lang.sellDrug = "Press E to sell drug"
Lang.sellDrugAlert = "The citizen is alerting the police"
Lang.sellDrugSold = "You have sold the drug without problems"
Lang.PoliceDrugAlert = "Drug sales"
Lang.PoliceDrugAlertText = "There is someone selling drugs to civilians on the street."
Lang.noDrugs = "You don't have any drugs to sell"
Lang.targetKill = "Target to be killed"
Lang.murder = "Murder"
Lang.murderPoliceAlert = "A person has killed a civilian in the middle of the street. Urgent assistance is required!"
Lang.smuggling = "Smuggling"
Lang.pickUpCargo = "Press E to pick up the cargo"
Lang.smugglingPoliceAlert = "Some subjects have been seen making dirty deals. Have a patrol car come to the site."
Lang.SmugglingDelivery = "Delivery of contraband" = "Press E to deliver the goods"
Lang.noItem = "You do not have the necessary item"
Lang.cancel = "Cancel"
Lang.menuSprayTitle = "Spray"
Lang.menuSpraySubtitle = "Settings"
Lang.menuSprayFont = "Font"
Lang.menuSprayColor = "Color"
Lang.menuSpraySize = "Size"
Lang.menuSpraySpray = "Spray"
Lang.sprayErrorFlat = "This surface is not flat enough"
Lang.sprayTooFar = "The surface is too far"
Lang.sprayinvalidSurface = "It cannot be sprayed on this surface"
Lang.sprayAim = "Aim the spray at a flat wall"
Lang.sprayNoNearby = "There is no spray nearby to remove"
Lang.sprayNeedSpray = "You do not have any spray to spray with"
Lang.sprayLong = "Spray word can be at most 9 characters"
Lang.sprayUsage = "Usage: /spray <word>"
Lang.sprayBlacklist = "This word is blacklisted"
Lang.illegalPersons = "Illegal persons"
Lang.noVehicle = "You must be in a vehicle to transport these people"
Lang.doNoFitVehicle = "People do not fit in this vehicle"
Lang.destination = "Destination"
Lang.illegalPersonsPoliceAlert = "Someone is helping to bring illegal aliens into the country. Heed the warning"
--$$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$\ $$$$$$\
--$$ | $$ _____|$$ | $$ |$$ _____|$$ | $$ __$$\
--$$ | $$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ / \__|
--$$ | $$$$$\ \$$\ $$ |$$$$$\ $$ | \$$$$$$\
--$$ | $$ __| \$$\$$ / $$ __| $$ | \____$$\
--$$ | $$ | \$$$ / $$ | $$ | $$\ $$ |
--$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\ \$ / $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$$\\$$$$$$ |
--\________|\________| \_/ \________|\________|\______/
Levels = {
[0] = "We are like a seed that will soon sprout and grow into a powerful criminal force. The beginning of our legend!",
[1] = "Together we are stronger, let's leave our mark on this city!",
[2] = "No one can stop our rise. We keep moving forward!",
[3] = "Each successful robbery brings us closer to the top. Let's conquer it all!",
[4] = "Courage defines us, and success awaits us. There are no limits for us!",
[5] = "Our reputation spreads throughout the city. Let's show why we are feared!",
[6] = "Together, we are an unstoppable force. Let's conquer whatever we desire!",
[7] = "Drug trafficking is just the beginning. We will go for more, without fear!",
[8] = "Perfection is our goal. We have mastered the art of theft!",
[9] = "We are the rulers of the night, and nothing will stop us. Let's expand our influence!",
[10] = "The connections we've made will take us to the top. We are becoming invincible!",
[11] = "Weapons are our tools for power. We will destroy anything in our way!",
[12] = "This territory is our home. Let's defend it tooth and nail!",
[13] = "Loyalty defines us. Together, we will achieve the unimaginable!",
[14] = "Extortion is just the beginning. We will make everyone pay!",
[15] = "Our power expands, and our numbers grow. Nothing can stop us!",
[16] = "In our hideout, we forge plans for greatness. Success is within our reach!",
[17] = "Financial institutions tremble in our presence. We will steal every last penny!",
[18] = "Human trafficking is a lucrative business. Let's make them pay for their miserable lives!",
[19] = "Our reach extends beyond borders. The whole world will tremble before us!",
[20] = "We have challenged the authorities and will emerge victorious. Power is in our hands!",
[21] = "Corruption thrives on our influence. We control the strings of power!",
[22] = "Dirty money becomes clean through our hands. No one can trace us!",
[23] = "Information is power, and we have absolute control. Let's play with others' lives!",
[24] = "We are ghosts in the dark. The security forces will never know what hit them!",
[25] = "Organ trafficking brings unimaginable wealth. No morals can stop us!",
[26] = "We are the kings of drugs, and no one can compete with us. The market is ours!",
[27] = "Our drug distribution network extends beyond borders. We are masters of illicit trade!",
[28] = "Invisibility is our greatest achievement. We continue to elude the authorities!",
[29] = "A grand-scale heist will change the game completely. Prepare for criminal history!",
[30] = "Justice is just a concept, and we are its masters. Judges and prosecutors are in our hands!",
[31] = "Our name is feared in the criminal world. We are a living legend!",
[32] = "In our fortress, we are invincible. No one can penetrate our defenses!",
[33] = "Weapons are our business, and no one surpasses us. International trafficking is in our hands!",
[34] = "We have expanded our empire to multiple cities. The whole world is our domain!",
[35] = "Our loyal followers are our strength. Together, we will conquer any obstacle!",
[36] = "Politics is under our control. Puppet governments dance to our tune!",
[37] = "Chaos is our most powerful weapon. Terror will open the doors to domination!",
[38] = "Wealth flows incessantly to us. Let's guard it and accumulate limitless power!",
[39] = "International ties strengthen us. Criminal syndicates support us!",
[40] = "The government is just a puppet in our hands. We rule the city at our whim!",
[41] = "Territorial expansion and elimination of enemies: it's our game. Let's conquer everything in our path!",
[42] = "The elite of our armed forces protects us. Invincibility is our banner!",
[43] = "Our drug empire spans the entire country. No corner escapes our control!",
[44] = "Intelligence cannot trace us. Stealth is our greatest advantage!",
[45] = "Our name echoes worldwide. A powerful criminal organization without rivals!",
[46] = "Large-scale smuggling is our main business. Illicit trade enriches us!",
[47] = "Money laundering turns us into respectable businessmen. The double life is our secret!",
[48] = "The fortress protects us from all dangers. Security is our priority!",
[49] = "Renowned cartels support us. Our power extends throughout the world!",
[50] = "The pinnacle of power is our home. We control the criminal underworld in its entirety!"
--$$\ $$\ $$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\ $$$$$$\ $$\ $$\ $$$$$$\
--$$ | $\ $$ |$$ _____|$$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\ $$ __$$\ $$ | $$ |$$ __$$\
--$$ |$$$\ $$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ / $$ |$$ |$$ / $$ / \__|
--$$ $$ $$\$$ |$$$$$\ $$$$$$$\ |$$$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$$$$ / \$$$$$$\
--$$$$ _$$$$ |$$ __| $$ __$$\ $$ __$$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ $$< \____$$\
--$$$ / \$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ | $$ |$$ |\$$\ $$\ $$ |
--$$ / \$$ |$$$$$$$$\ $$$$$$$ |$$ | $$ | $$$$$$ | $$$$$$ |$$ | \$$\ \$$$$$$ |
--\__/ \__|\________|\_______/ \__| \__| \______/ \______/ \__| \__| \______/
WH.Action = ""
WH.Operations = ""
WH.SellDrug = ""
-- ___ __ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ _ _
-- // \\ || || || || ||\\//|| // \\ ||\ || || \\//
-- (( ___ || \\ // ||== || \/ || (( )) ||\\|| ||== )/
-- \\_|| || \V/ ||___ || || \\_// || \|| ||___ //
function giveMoney(playerID, amount)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
xPlayer.addAccountMoney('cash', amount)
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
xPlayer.Functions.AddMoney('cash', amount, "Gangs")
-- ___ ____ ______ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ _ _
-- // \\ || | || | ||\\//|| // \\ ||\ || || \\//
-- (( ___ ||== || || \/ || (( )) ||\\|| ||== )/
-- \\_|| ||___ || || || \\_// || \|| ||___ //
function getMoney(playerID)
local money = nil
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
money = xPlayer.getAccount('cash').money
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
money =["bank"]
return money
-- ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ _ _
-- || \\ || ||\\//|| // \\ || || || ||\\//|| // \\ ||\ || || \\//
-- ||_// ||== || \/ || (( )) \\ // ||== || \/ || (( )) ||\\|| ||== )/
-- || \\ ||___ || || \\_// \V/ ||___ || || \\_// || \|| ||___ //
function removeMoney(playerID, amount)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
xPlayer.removeAccountMoney('cash', amount)
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
xPlayer.Functions.RemoveMoney('cash', amount, "Gangs")
-- ___ ____ ______ __ ____ ____ __ __ ______ __ ____ __ ____ ____ __
-- // \\ || | || | || || \\ || ||\ || | || | || || || || || \\ (( \
-- (( ___ ||== || || || )) ||== ||\\|| || || ||== || ||== ||_// \\
-- \\_|| ||___ || || ||_// ||___ || \|| || || || || ||___ || \\ \_))
function getIdentifier(playerID)
local identifier = nil
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
identifier = GetPlayerIdentifiers(playerID)[1]
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
identifier = xPlayer.PlayerData.citizenid
return identifier
-- ___ ____ ______ __ __ __ ____ ____ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ____
-- // \\ || | || | || || (( \ || || \\ ||\ || // \\ ||\\//|| ||
-- (( ___ ||== || || || \\ ||== ||_// ||\\|| ||=|| || \/ || ||==
-- \\_|| ||___ || \\_// \_)) ||___ || \\ || \|| || || || || ||___
function getUsername(playerID)
local username = nil
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
username = xPlayer.getName()
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
username = xPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.firstname.." "..xPlayer.PlayerData.charinfo.lastname
return username
-- ___ __ __ ____ ___ __ __ __ ______ ____ ___ ___
-- // || || || // || // || | || | || ||\\//||
-- (( ||==|| ||== (( ||<< || || ||== || \/ ||
-- \\__ || || ||___ \\__ || \\ || || ||___ || ||
function checkItem(playerID, item)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
local itemCount = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item).count
if itemCount > 0 then
return true
return false
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
local loadoutNum, itemtoCheck = xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName(item)
if loadoutNum ~= nil then
return true
return false
-- ___ __ __ ____ ___ __ __ __ ______ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ __ __ __ __ ______
-- // || || || // || // || | || | || ||\\//|| // \\ ||\\//|| // \\ || || ||\ || | || |
-- (( ||==|| ||== (( ||<< || || ||== || \/ || ||=|| || \/ || (( )) || || ||\\|| ||
-- \\__ || || ||___ \\__ || \\ || || ||___ || || || || || || \\_// \\_// || \|| ||
function checkItemAmount(playerID, item)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
item = xPlayer.getInventoryItem(item)
return item.count
xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
item = xPlayer.Functions.GetItemByName(item)
return item.amount
-- ____ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ __ ____ __ ______ ____ ___ ___
-- || \\ || ||\\//|| // \\ || || || || | || | || ||\\//||
-- ||_// ||== || \/ || (( )) \\ // ||== || || ||== || \/ ||
-- || \\ ||___ || || \\_// \V/ ||___ || || ||___ || ||
function removeItem(playerID, item, amount)
if Config.Framework == "esx" then
local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(playerID)
xPlayer.removeInventoryItem(item, amount)
local xPlayer = QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(playerID)
xPlayer.Functions.RemoveItem(item, amount)
Last updated