
Can the user be assigned experience by time spent on the server and through triggers? Yes, you can assign experience to users in both ways at the same time. For example, if you want to assign xp for time spent on the server and for finishing a job.

Can levels be removed or added? The battle pass is intended to be used with 50 levels and 465200 experience points. Therefore it is not possible to remove or add levels.

How to give more experience for time spent on the server? In the config.lua you could increase the time multiplier:

Config.XPbytimeMultiplier = 1

Is it possible to leave some level without reward either free or vip? No, you must indicate all rewards both vip and free. In case you don't want to assign free rewards, we recommend you to give some symbolic item... some food or similar.

I have trouble leveling up In the config.lua there is an option to check if all the levels are correct, activate this option and restart the script.

Config.checkLevels = true

If you don't know how to identify the bug we can help you if you open a ticket

Last updated